Today I’d like to talk to you about genetics in functional medicine. Specifically, the four great reasons you should be introducing genetics into your practice. Plus, what it can do for your practice and your patients.
Genetics tests are freely available and relatively inexpensive these days, but with the right test and training, they offer a wealth of information and insight into the possibilities of what your patient may be experiencing.
Are there inefficiencies in methylation, inflammation or detoxification causing that fatigue, chronic pain or other symptoms? Seeing these and other inefficiencies on a genetics panel can lead you to dig deeper. Most importantly, you’ll be able to have a conversation with your patient. A conversation that really resonates with them because you have the insight and ability to help them take the next step toward optimal wellness.
Chances are this is something that no one else has been able to do.

In my experience, this extremely personalized approach doesn’t just get amazing patient results. It also increases patient and cash flow for your practice. With these insights, we can keep patients in optimal wellness. That is very powerful!
In this video, I’m sharing:
- The four reasons genetics should be part of your practice. These include availability, insight, making you stand out and what it can do for your practice.
- The problem with many genetics tests now on the market. The right tests paired with a knowledgeable practitioner can be the best investment.
- How genetic inefficiencies can give you tremendous insight into patient symptoms.
- An actual example of how one genetic test potentially saved my patient’s (and her parents’) life.
- How practitioners can use genetics as a guide for targeted testing and plan of care.
If you’re ready to stand out from other practitioners, get outstanding patient results and increase cash flow in your practice with the deep insight genetics can offer, I highly recommend you get started with this Functional Medicine Fast Track video:
Want to Learn more? Here's The Next steps:
- Register for our Free Training: Why Adding an Online Functional Medicine Program to Your Practice is the Key to Escape the Office, Scale Your Income, and Reach Millions (While getting even better outcomes for your patients than you are now!)
- Subscribe to Garric Vosloo’s YouTube channel for additional information and to get notifications when new videos are available!