The Missing Piece: Get Out of the Way - FMFT

The Missing Piece: Get Out of the Way

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The Missing Piece: Get Out of the Way

Today, I want to speak to those of you that are either new to Functional Medicine, dabbling in Functional Medicine, have started with little elements of Functional Medicine in their practice or have been around for a long time, but haven’t got it right yet. You probably realize Functional Medicine is the missing piece.

Now, it’s time to get out of the way.

Let me explain.

Once Functional Medicine is in your blood, it’s in your bones and you know the power of it, it is the ultimate realignment with the purpose of us as health professionals. It re-establishes that alignment to our mission and purpose. We are in the game of being health practitioners because we love to help people get better. No health practitioner wants to do it halfheartedly. We want to give them that ultimate solution.

And often when we’ve been practicing our traditional skillset for 5, 10, 15 years, we realize our limitations. That we just cannot achieve that ultimate patient outcome we want with what we have. We have to think outside the box.

The key is that you know it’s in your future. What’s holding you back?

We hear things like this all the time from practitioners:

  • “I know it’s the best thing, I want to do it, but I worry that I won’t get it right.”,
  • “Will people really pay me?”
  • “Can I get my patients right?”
  • “Will I know how to do it?”
  • “Is it too hard for me to learn?”

There are so many myths and mistaken beliefs around success in integrating Functional Medicine and really achieving the results.

What I’m trying to say to you is that if it’s in your bones, you’re in the game. It doesn’t matter where you’re at, but if you feel you haven’t got it right, you know there’s a bigger mission for you to serve and you’re not there yet, then it’s time to get out of the way.

Set the goal. Get out of the way.

In this video, I’m discussing:

If you’re ready to get out of the way so you can realign with your purpose as a health practitioner and achieve your goals, I highly recommend you watch this video:

Want to Learn more?
Here's The Next steps:

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