How to Use Labs and Genetics in Your Practice - FMFT

How to Use Labs and Genetics in Your Practice

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How to Use Labs and Genetics in Your Practice

One of the most common questions I’m asked is “How do you use labs and genetics in a your practice?”

Traditionally, only a select few in healthcare have used labs, but things are changing. Yes, physiotherapists, chiropractors, physicians assistants, nurse practitioners, naturopaths and other health practitioners can use labs. Most patients can now even order their own labs through popular websites.

When I first started understanding labs, I realized one thing. Without labs, you really have to be a genius to understand the patient that’s in a chronic state. How do you piece together all the signs and symptoms to heal your patient?

The key thing to understand is that we’re not trying to diagnose. I’m sharing with you how the labs we use in Functional Medicine help us to uncover the underlying root cause.

That is in everyone’s scope of practice.

Patients are desperate for answers and guidance. Unfortunately, not enough practitioners understand how to connect the dots between clinical signs and symptoms and genetics and lab results.

You’ll discover:

If you’re ready to successfully understand and integrate Functional Medicine using specialized labs and genetics in Your practice, I highly recommend this Functional Medicine Fast Track video!

Want to Learn more?
Here's The Next steps:

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