Garric Vosloo, Functional Medicine Physiotherapist, Author at FMFT - Page 12 of 13

Garric Vosloo, Functional Medicine Physiotherapist

Garric Vosloo, Functional Medicine Physiotherapist I’ve been consulting with patients since 1995 and successfully owned and run 2 cash based private practices since 1996. My passion is helping patients overcome difficult injuries and other health-related concerns. After a decade of taking continued education courses I realized something was missing from our traditional medical skill set. This missing piece was Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine helps the patient not only overcome their challenges but create a strong base level health. Functional Medicine allows them to prevent further recurrence and live the life they deserve. My passion now is to help other practitioners not only learn Functional Medicine but get it RIGHT so they can live the life of their dreams by achieving a balance of impact, lifestyle, and income.

4 Reasons Genetics Should Be Part of Your Practice

Today I’d like to talk to you about genetics in functional medicine. Specifically, the four great reasons you should be introducing genetics into your practice. Plus, what it can do for your practice and your patients. Genetics tests are freely available and relatively inexpensive these days, but with the right test and training, they offer

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Why Practicing Functional Medicine Can SUCK the Life Out of You

I remember more than a decade ago in my traditional medical practice feeling FRUSTRATED with the current health system and looking for an alternative. Functional Medicine was that ALTERNATIVE. But it wasn’t all roses. In fact, it was more like a bunch of THORNS because Practicing Functional Medicine can suck the life out of you…

Why Practicing Functional Medicine Can SUCK the Life Out of You Read More »

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